Legal Gatekeeping
Legal Gatekeeping
In recent times there have been many incidents involving the theft by lawyers registered in Barbados of monies that legally belong to clients. Some of these lawyers have been publicly humiliated after being found guilty by the court and sentenced to years of imprisonment. However, members of the public seem to never hear of instances where the victimized client has received the money he/she was legally entitled to receive.
Actreks recognizes that every client who hires a lawyer is exposed to the risk of theft if they allow any funds to flow through to the account of lawyers. Consequently, for the benefit of clients, Actreks will serve as a legal gatekeeper.
Our Legal GateKeeping role includes the following functions:
Securing Clients’ monies by placing these monies in an escrow account
Any interest earned on these monies will be credited to the client
Pay funds to the lawyers when the situation demands it
Pay all monies to the client that are due to the client
Prevent any lawyer from handling clients’ funds.