Randy Griffith Randy Griffith

Pension Related Benefits

Walter Blackman Actuarial Services offers customized solutions to help companies manage risk and plan for retirement. Our financial modeling services use data-driven insights to help companies make informed decisions that align with their financial goals. We also offer pension planning services to design and manage pension plans that provide retirement benefits to employees while ensuring that the plans remain viable. Our team of experienced actuaries provides ongoing support to help our clients navigate complex financial challenges and achieve long-term success. Contact us today to learn more! #actuary #riskmanagement #pensionplanning #financialmodeling #retirementplanning #WalterBlackmanActuarialServices.

Pension Related Benefits

Actreks will design the following types of pension plans to assist employers who want to provide a retirement programme for their employee:

  • Traditional Defined Benefit Plan 

  • Cash Balance Plans

  • Defined Contribution Plans

In Addition to pension plan design, Actreks also will perform actuarial valuations of pension plans to determine how much money the employer should periodically contribute to ensure that enough funds are on hand to pay accrued pension benefits for employees. 

Actreks assists employers and employees in calculating actual and projected retirement benefits for employees.

Actreks will also calculate the amount of retirement benefit earned by public sector and private sector employees.

Actreks will calculate the value of pensions and NIS old age pensions missed by employees who the courts have determine to be wrongfully dismissed.

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